Local Dental Network- one LDC member represents the whole of the Thames Valley compromising of Oxfordshire, Berkshire and Buckinghamshire. The meetings take place every month. The LPN are hosted and supported by the local offices of NHS England. The core functions of the LPN are; supporting NHS England in commissioning, driving improvements in outcome in line with local and national priorities, provide clinical leadership and facilitate wider clinical engagement, support patient involvement, advise and work with local Health and Wellbeing boards, contribute to the national LPN assembly, support in reducing health inequality by improving outcomes. This is done by the LDN providing clinical leadership, by cover the whole dental pathway across primary, secondary and community care and out of hours, by working with partners to develop Oral Health strategies, by support implementation of national strategy and policy at local level, by working with key stakeholders, on the development and delivery of local priorities and by playing a role in improving the quality of services. The LDC’s representative, with their local knowledge are able to provide guidance to the panel on the priorities and concerns of the local dental practitioners.
Oral Surgery Managed Clinical Network-the Oxfordshire LDC has a single representation with meetings taking place every three months. The network has representation from the NHS England commissioners, both tier 2 and tier 3 oral surgery service providers, community dental services, the Local Dental Network and the LDC. The input from the LDC provides a greater understanding to the group of the local needs of the dental practitioners and their patients, allowing for commissioning of services and directing of the services in the delivery of oral surgery.
Restorative Managed Clinical Networks- The Restorative Managed Clinical Network consists of representatives from NHS Commissioners, Tier 2 and Tier 3 specialist providers as well as Community Dental Services, Health Education England and the Local Dental Network. Oxfordshire LDC has one representative at the meetings which are held every 3 months. The LDC representative gives input on the needs and views of local GDPs and their patients and feeds back to the LDC after each meeting.
Orthodontics Managed Clinical Network- This group meet regularly consisting of representatives from various groups. They advise on the local provision of orthodontic care, policies and protocols to ensure the highest standard of orthodontic care is provided by the local orthodontic workforce. They further contribute through discussion to the development of short, medium and long-term strategies with regard to maintenance and development of orthodontic provision. The LDC representative provides broad input from primary care providers.
Community Dental Services Managed Clinical Network - This network has membership from Berkshire, Buckinghamshire and Oxfordshire, meets every 3 months and advises on the local provision of Special Care and Paediatric dental services across Thames Valley. It has representation from NHS England, Specialist Tier 3 practitioners (Special Care & Paediatric dentistry) working in Community Dental Services, Health Education England, General Dental Practice and the Local Dental Committee. The network is also fortunate to have a patient representative.
More details can be found on the NHS England website: (https://www.england.nhs.uk/south-east/our-work/info-professionals/dental/)
NHS England Performer List Decisions Panel (South East)- The panel makes decisions on entry to, removal from or sanction for those on the Dental Performer List under the auspices of NHS England South East. It has powers to remove, suspend, impose conditions or undertakings and to refer the most serious cases to the GDC. The Panel will also convene oral case hearings if the practitioner wishes to challenge a decision.
NHS England Performance Advisory Group (South East)-This group discusses and makes decisions on NHS practitioner performance issues brought to its attention within the region. The outcomes may be to offer support, impose conditions or undertakings or refer more serious matters to the PLDP.
Special Care and Paediatric Dentistry Managed Clinical Network – this network has membership from Berkshire, Buckinghamshire and Oxfordshire, meets every 3 months and advises on the local provision of Special Care and Paediatric dental services across Thames Valley. It has representation from NHS England, Specialist Tier 3 practitioners (Special Care & Paediatric dentistry) working in Community Dental Services, Health Education England, General Dental Practice and the Local Dental Committee. The network is also fortunate to have a patient representative.
As an additional clinician the LDC representative at these meetings can, when invited by the chair expand to the group members on clinical issues as well as explaining the realities of daily practice life.
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