Berkshire LDC have a vacancy on the committee. The LDC is the formal mechanism through which the NHS and other bodies consult with local dentists in Berkshire. Issues range from contracting matters, dental education and training, to the procurement of services.
Interested dentists please respond via email to : Please include a brief outline of your dental interests and where you are currently working.
A Local Dental Committee (LDC) is a locally constituted and NHS recognised group of democratically elected NHS dentists and dental service providers, tasked with the representation of their peers in the negotiation and planning of locally commissioned NHS primary care dental services. Regulations may require NHS England to undertake formal consultation with the respective local dental committee or committees, or to include LDC representatives on relevant boards and panels.
The provision for “Local Dental Committees” (LDCs) exists within the NHS Act 2006 (amended by the NHS Act 2012). Local Dental Committees have existed since the inception of the NHS, to support and represent local dentists and to help plan services within the local health economy.
Local Dental Committees (LDCs) comprise elected dentists from the area for which they are formed. Depending on the size of the area covered, an LDC may be around 10 or 15 dentists in number and is sometimes larger. The elected dentists make up “the committee”, which represents all dentists providing, or performing on, contracts for General Dental Services (GDS), as well as other NHS and private dentists working in primary care who may choose to be represented by the committee.
There are 106 LDCs across England. LDCs meet both regionally and nationally, to share information and support one another in their local work. There is an Annual Conference of LDCs for England and Wales, which is usually held in June and is attended by representatives from each LDC around the country. There is also a national meeting of LDC representatives in November/December each year, where national issues and policy developments are discussed.
Berkshire LDC attends meetings with commissioners, looking at current and future plans for dentistry in the area – both representing the views of the local members and providing relative clinical support to the decision making process.
In addition Berkshire LDC sponsors CONFIDENTAL, a registered charity set up specifically to support dentists. ThisCommittee members also attend meetings of regional Primary/Secondary care clinical groups – for example MaxFax/Oral Surgery, so that any changes to referral protocols etc are developed together, taking account of the needs of both sectors.
Berkshire LDC attends meetings with commissioners, looking at current and future plans for dentistry in the area – both representing the views of the local members and providing relative clinical support to the decision making process.
Committee members also attend meetings of regional Primary/Secondary care clinical groups – for example MaxFax/Oral Surgery, so that any changes to referral protocols etc are developed together, taking account of the needs of both sectors.
The LDC maintains close contact with the Commissioning body, currently NHS England – and the local commissioner is an invited guest at least annually.
In addition to the 4 committee meetings an annual general meeting is held to which all LDC members are welcome to attend. This incorporates a speaker on a professional issue – which counts towards CPD.
Berkshire LDC have also worked with the BDA events team to plan and deliver a full day professional update for members to access. This was a successful venture which will be repeated when current social distancing restrictions are lifted. The aim is to deliver these sessions twice yearly. The session covered
Future sessions can be altered to reflect the changing needs of our times!
Berkshire LDC meets a minimum of 4 times per year – with more meetings if necessary.
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